Actor Shemar Moore dances his way onto The Jennifer Hudson Show on Friday, January 24. Shemar expresses his gratitude to his fans for their support, which contributed to the renewal of his hit series, S.W.A.T. He also shares how becoming a father to his daughter, Frankie, has given him a new sense of purpose and has profoundly changed his life for the better.
Plus, the multi-talented Ryan Destiny joins Jennifer to chat about her intense training for her role in “The Fire Inside” where she portrays the greatest female boxer of all time. She also talks about sparring with Michael B. Jordan, the challenges she faced while preparing for the role, and the months of rigorous boxing training she underwent.
“The Jennifer Hudson Show” airs on weekdays. Check your local listings or visit
YouTube Links:
‘The Jennifer Hudson Show’ Spirit Tunnel Wore Shemar Moore Out!
Ryan Destiny on Sparring with Michael B. Jordan & Training for ‘The Fire Inside’
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