The unscripted series continues to delve into the lives of Atlanta’s top influencers—Ari Fletcher, Jerrika Karlae, and Tuson Jewell—in an intense new season filled with drama and new faces join the cast including LightSkinKeisha, Gloss Up, Tori Brixx, Coca Vango, Dayybella, Sir Julien, and Derrian “Phreshy” Perry.
The highly anticipated season kicks off with “It Goes Down In A,” fan favorites, Ari Fletcher and Tuson Jewell are faced with hard truths and the need to make amends, meanwhile Jerrika Karlae and newcomer LightSkinKeisha are ready to break free from the past and figure out what’s next.
Follow along weekly, as Atlanta’s top trendsetters invite viewers into their lives, revealing their authentic selves while breaking barriers and paving their own way to success.